Strategy without execution is like a jet without an engine.
My Contribution is a unique, forward-looking Performance Management App inspiring high performance, accountability, and transparency by empowering your employees to drive cultural change.

Key Features

Responsive Design
My Contribution is a responsive web app which will work seamlessly across your mobile, tablet and desktop devices.

Your whole team will always be up to date with key notifications and coaching comments.

Align every individual’s performance targets to the strategic targets of your board on a forward-looking, quarterly and annual basis.

Review and measure actual performance.

Secure Data
Your data is safe with My Contribution. Encrypted and inline with standard HR practices.

Goal Setting
Clearly define your goals, priorities and standards as an organisation and allow your team to align with these.

Create a motivating culture where transparent and urgent feedback inspires ownership of delivering results and high performance.

Drive morale, rigour and accountability.

Bespoke Design

Employee Coaching
The digital coaching of employees as they embrace the alignment of their performance objectives with that of the organisation. We also offer the ongoing digital coaching of employees as they take ownership of their own performance and development.
Ready for a trial?
Begin your My Contribution journey with The Rubicon Partnership.